On Wednesday afternoon, celebrity manager and Deepika Padukone’s former manager Karishma Prakash arrived at the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for questioning. She is being questioned in a drug case linked to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
Karishma Prakash was earlier summoned by the NCB after drugs were allegedly seized from her residence. As per reports, 1.7 grams of charas and two bottles of CBD oil were found at her house.
On Tuesday, Prakash was given time by a special Mumbai Court to appear before the NCB without being arrested. She had applied for an anticipatory bail after which a special court gave her an interim relief till November 7.
This is the second time Karishma Prakash is being interrogated by the agency. She was earlier questioned in September along with Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone.
ALSO READ: Court grants Deepika Padukone’s manager Karishma Prakash interim relief till November 7
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